The Spellbox's are an ongoing series of collecting a set of symbols and gifts of Nature. Different parts of casting of the Artist's body is in conjunction with these treasures. The box is a place to display the objects that grow with the golden ration, human hands in mudras, the plants skeletons, meet here, to rest and be still.
Harmony & Chaos
4ft x 7ft, plaster, yucca tree spine, snake skin, ash, snake, algenate, acrylic paint, butterfly wings, soaptree swords.
Angel Fire Faerie
She is of the snake elemental kingdom. When the dessert is left to dry out, she is the giver and taker of Life as the animals and plants know it. She is peace full and also knows great knowledge of how to take away a creation just as fast as the conduction.
The cross of two paths, mirrored of the Self, the snake the ourborus. What happens to that which is left to be untouched? Yet the function is to interact, we find blighting of self, the sabotage of the systems we hae made. Idle hands without the sweet allowance to grow. A lambs heart in pursuit of the verticle, the self bondage of the idled hands and the snake without the sound mind, lifted into submission of the mirror path.
Bound blades, from yarn that has only touched our teeth. 2 meet 3's, this box rings to the resonance of 5. Called out chaos and formation of that which has grown over many days and nights, Sun has gone under. A polarization of Blues and Red, the lamb's heart cast of plaster, drips glue of truth, Human Realm. Adorn our curses, allow new room, trust that our arrows take many form.
What color is your Truth?